Have you ever wondered if facial pores are your skin's worst enemy or an aesthetic concern? Today, we are closing the age-old question: “Are facial pores bad?”. The short answer is no, but we understand they pose aesthetic concerns for many. However, the reality of pores is skin deep and far more intriguing! So, in this blog post, we'll delve into the science behind facial pores, their function, and, various cosmetic treatments that can reduce their appearance and help you achieve your skincare goals.
What Exactly Are Facial Pores and Their Origin?
Pores are openings on the skin's surface to let oil (sebum) and sweat pass through to lubricate the skin and avoid overheating.
As such, there are two types of pores: oil and sweat. The latter are practically invisible to the naked eye.
However, oil pores originate from oil glands (sebaceous glands), mostly attached to hair follicles. Common places where oil glands are independent of hair follicles are on the sex genitalia (penis and labia), the lips, and inside the nose.
It’s important to know that most oil pores on the body are on the scalp and face, where fine hairs emerge. On the face, these pores may be visible to the naked eye, depending on the individual, and these are the pores people refer to when they complain about having large facial pores.
Why Should You Not Worry About Pores?
Facial pores are part of human beings, so they are not abnormal, and generally, you shouldn’t worry about them.
Sebaceous glands, which sit underneath the skin, secrete sebum (oil) through pores.
Sebum is the skin’s natural oil and a crucial asset of its outer layer for moisturizing and environmental protection. Without it, the skin can be dry, itchy, and flaky. You never want to halt sebum production or shrink away pores, but rather to keep them functioning normally to have healthy skin.
So why would you have larger pores than someone else? Because everyone is different! Larger and more visible pores are not bad.
Pore size, number, and distribution are determined by our genetic makeup, typically more prominent during puberty or during hormonal fluctuations when the skin increases sebum production.
This is why you will have the oiliest skin on the areas of the face with the most visible and largest pores. Because an oil gland sits underneath a pore, and your skin has many bigger openings for oil deposition on its surface.
When Should You Worry About Facial Pores?
You must pay attention when your pores develop comedones like black or whiteheads. Comedones indicate that your pores may require extra care and attention. They form due to an accumulation of keratin lining the pore cavity.
As your skin renews itself, it naturally sheds dead skin cells made up of keratin cells. However, when dead skin cells are in excess, they can combine with sebum, forming a 'plug' within the pore, commonly known as a pimple.
This plug undergoes oxidation when exposed to the air, forming a blackhead. Additionally, the stretching caused by a solid plug of dead skin and oil can enlarge the pore's appearance.
But if the pore is covered by a layer of keratin, the trapped sebum appears white or fleshy and is identified as a whitehead, also known as a closed comedone.
To address these concerns, simple cleansing and exfoliation tactics can effectively keep your pores clear and healthy.
If You Still Don’t Like Your Facial Pores, What Products Can You Use to Reduce Them?
We have curated a skincare regimen targeted at oily skin types and designed to help you “reduce” your pores by ensuring your face is clean at all times:
Skincare Regimen for Clear Facial Pores
Follow Dr. Thrower’s curated regimen for large pores in normal/combination and oily skin types:
Normal/Combination Skin
- Normal/Combination Skin Facial Cleanser: Gently rinse your face and pat it dry.
- Normal/Combination Facial Toner: Gently wipe with a cotton ball across your face, avoiding the eyes and mouth area.
- SPF 30 Face & Body Moisturizing Lotion: Apply every morning.
- Normal/Combination Skin Facial Cleanser: Gently rinse your face and pat it dry.
- Normal/Combination Facial Mask: Use the Facial Scrub on Tuesday & Thursday, and use the Facial Mask on Saturday & Sunday.
- Normal/Combination Facial Toner: Gently wipe with a cotton ball across your face, avoiding the eyes and mouth area.
- Aloe Facial Moisturizing Cream: Apply every night.
Oily Skin
- Oily Skin Facial Cleanser: Gently rinse your face and pat it dry.
- Oily Skin Facial Astringent: Gently wipe with a cotton ball across your face, avoiding the eyes and mouth area.
- SPF 30 Face & Body Moisturizing Lotion: Apply every morning.
- Oily Skin Facial Cleanser: Gently rinse your face and pat it dry.
- Oily Skin Facial Mask: Use the Facial Scrub on Tuesday & Thursday, and use the Facial Mask on Saturday & Sunday.
- Oily Skin Facial Astringent: Gently wipe with a cotton ball across your face, avoiding the eyes and mouth area.
- Aloe Facial Moisturizing Cream: Apply every night.
Frequently Asked Questions about Facial Pores
What Do Healthy Facial Pores Look Like?
Healthy pores are unclogged and have various appearances and sizes depending on an individual’s skin type, age, and genetics.
They typically have a smooth and uniform texture and should not be inflamed or swollen. The color of healthy pores usually matches that of the surrounding skin, appearing slightly lighter in individuals with fair skin and slightly darker in those with darker skin. In terms of shape, they are typically round or oval.
Facial pores are especially in the T-zone, which includes the forehead, nose, and chin.
Do Facial Pores Open and Close?
While pores remain static and can't open or close, they can become stretched. When dirt or excess oil accumulates in the pores, they can enlarge, creating the appearance of larger pores. They aren’t like windows that open and close, but rather like pipes that can become clogged. Furthermore, as we age, a decline in collagen production that results in skin laxity can contribute to the perception of larger pores.
What Do Steamy Facials Do for Facial Pores?
Steamy facials help cleanse your pores by removing oil, dead skin, and debris, although they don't actually "open" them. While the skin doesn't breathe like our lungs, it needs open pores to stay cool and shed old skin for new growth.
Can I Shrink Pores Permanently?
Regrettably, there's no magical way to shrink your pores permanently. However, you can minimize their appearance through various skincare techniques, such as exfoliation, proper cleansing, and using products designed for pore care. Consistent care can help clear your pores and reduce their visibility caused by congestion.