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Ask Dr. Thrower: Treating Darks Areas on the Face

Ask Dr. Thrower: Treating Darks Areas on the Face
QUESTION: "I have a darker tone from below my nose and lower cheeks down, giving me the 5 o'clock shadow look. Should I treat just that area with a skin lightener or apply something all over to even out my tone?" - M.V.
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Ask Dr. Thrower: Hydroquinone Query

Ask Dr. Thrower: Hydroquinone Query

In our new feature, "Ask Dr. Thrower," Dr. Thrower answers your questions about skin and hair care. Have a question for Dr. Thrower? Please submit it in the comments section below. 


I am considering using hydroquinone to achieve a more even complexion, but I've heard that it's dangerous, so I'm concerned. What exactly is hydroquinone? Is it safe to use?
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How Does Hydroquinone Work?

How Does Hydroquinone Work?

How does hydroquinone work?

Hydroquinone works by slowing down the production of melanosomes. It also increases the breakdown speed of the melanosomes. These melanosomes are responsible for creating melanin, the dark pigment in the skin's pigmented cells (melanocytes).

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