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2018 is the Time to turn over a new leaf, and put on a Fresh Face.

2018 is the Time to turn over a new leaf, and put on a Fresh Face.

Did you know...40% of Americans make New Year’s Resolutions, and only 8% accomplish them?

I have found, treating thousands of patients over the years, people struggle to accomplish a goal because they have no regimen to follow. In this lesson I am going to share with you a simple method I created for my patients to follow to have glowing skin.

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Ask Dr. Thrower: Treating Darks Areas on the Face

Ask Dr. Thrower: Treating Darks Areas on the Face
QUESTION: "I have a darker tone from below my nose and lower cheeks down, giving me the 5 o'clock shadow look. Should I treat just that area with a skin lightener or apply something all over to even out my tone?" - M.V.
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Ask Dr. Thrower: Hydroquinone Query

Ask Dr. Thrower: Hydroquinone Query

In our new feature, "Ask Dr. Thrower," Dr. Thrower answers your questions about skin and hair care. Have a question for Dr. Thrower? Please submit it in the comments section below. 


I am considering using hydroquinone to achieve a more even complexion, but I've heard that it's dangerous, so I'm concerned. What exactly is hydroquinone? Is it safe to use?
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