Did you know...40% of Americans make New Year’s Resolutions, and only 8% accomplish them?
I have found, treating thousands of patients over the years, people struggle to accomplish a goal because they have no regimen to follow. In this lesson I am going to share with you a simple method I created for my patients to follow to have glowing skin.
Tip #1 Commit to a skincare regimen every day, Morning and Night.
Creating a routine is the easiest way to start a new habit. In my Total Solution Kit I combine your morning and evening routine. Morning, cleanse your face with Dr. Thrower’s Facial Cleanser. Choose your skin type specific formula to cleanse and nourish your skin at the same time. This will create and maintain a healthy skin environment.
Use warm water, instead of hot water. Overly hot water breaks down the skin’s natural protective oils, leading to dry skin. After cleansing, follow with the Facial Toner to refresh and revitalize your skin.
Tip # 2 Commit to wear SPF everyday
It’s January, a little cooler, and a little cloudy, but you still need to wear a sunscreen every day. Your Total Solution Kit includes Dr. Throwers SPF 30 Skin and Body moisturizer, it’s my non-whitening formula with complexion protection to help prevent sunburn.
Tip #3 Commit to always removing your makeup every night
I know it’s the last thing on your mind after a long and tiring day, but it is an important part of your skin care regime and the secret to a healthy and glowing complexion.
Every evening start with the Facial Cleanser, same as the morning routine. Next will be the Facial Scrub on Tuesday and Thursday evening and then a Facial Mask on Saturday and Sunday evening. Every night follow with the Facial Toner and Aloe Facial Moisturizing Cream. These are the perfect solution for makeup removal, and unclogging pores, giving you a wonderful overnight moisturizing treatment. You will wake up glowing.
If you have any questions please feel free to call our office at (305) 757-9797