Dr. Thrower's Blog
Three Embarrassing Skin Problems Dr. Thrower’s Can Treat
Acne, Skin Discoloration and Shave Bumps, are among the top ethnic skin problems reported to Dermatologist’s across the U.S. Do you suffer from any of these 3 embarrassing and painful skin problems? If you do or know someone who does, help is available.
Far too long, acne and cystic acne were accepted as an unavoidable obstacle to be endured, often times forcing the victims to try “home remedies” that many times were unsuccessful at the least and harmful at the worst. Some “home remedies” can burn or discolor the face, leaving the person in pain and creating additional problems like dark spots in sensitive areas of the face.
Ask Dr. Thrower: Treating Darks Areas on the Face
Dr. Thrower's Skin Lightening Facial Treatment
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4 Steps to Properly Wash Your Face
When it comes to your skin care routine, it's no secret that consistency is key. You can't expect to have clear, healthy skin if you only wash your face twice a week!